Sunday, 11 October 2009

I think of Zaha

We like her or not she’s big, not only in her physical size but in what she does too.
In this case I’d say even if she was my enemy I’ll respect her because she believes and
has faith in what she does.

I believe in professionalism as a full package which includes a professional personality and attitude which she lacks. She has a reputation as a rude person that even a colleague of mine
left his job just after 20 minutes from start!!! She even calls her first partner Patrick Shumaker “potato” (Potato, potato can you come to my office?) She says when the speakers are on and literary everybody can hear her. This for me wouldn’t make a pleasant work environment or a boss to work for.

It was with Koolhaas that she met the engineer Peter Rice who gave her support and encouragement early on, at a time when her work seemed difficult to build.
Possibly this is a point for all of us to pay attention as architectural students, as always been said: “you must be in a right time and right place” just like Albert Speer charming Hitler or perhaps we all should only be an AA graduate to be accepted in a global architectural family!?

In 2008, she ranked 69th on the “Forbes” list of "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women”

A winner of many international competitions, theoretically influential and groundbreaking,
Who a number of her winning designs were initially never built. A long term paper architect who was famous for “building nothing” possibly because of her work being as difficult to built as her personality, yet mysteriously pleasant and respectful.

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