Thursday, 15 October 2009

Dubai the Glamorous Hell

Not everything lasts forever. Dubai is not yet over, however, in my opinion not far to go...
The region of Dubai when looked closely is not a great holiday location. Almost all the surrounding countries are in trouble with war; Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and on the far North location Russia.... looks complicated?
It is not, because like everything it starts with money and everyone wants a piece of the pie. For that reason, I shall explain the ongoing game of war in this region briefly from my personal experiences. I was involved in military forces in the first Golf War (Iran & Iraq War) for over 9½ years. The game started back in the early 70’s when the Shah of Iran announced that he has no free oil to give to the West and become the West’s number 1 enemy when he created the the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Dubai, one of the Persian islands back in few decades ago separated to become part of what we know as United Arab Emirates. In my opinion Dubai is mainly liberal in compare with the rest of the Arab world and enjoyed the wealth they did not even dream about so far. However, that dream is slowly coming to an end.
This wealth generated from oil money caused nothing but laziness for the rich, so much so that even their children are over-weight from very early age with servants running after them. Literary everything is imported from outside except oil. The laziness or the richness in other words, is so vast that even the oil is pumped out of the region by foreign companies. Comfort and financial security never pushed the people of Dubai to ‘exercise their brain cells’. On the other hand their relationship with the Western world gave them even more sense of security. Believing and trusting their American friends will be always there; as their neighbour Kuwait was protected against Iraq’s invasion and not by Kuwait’s armed forces.
In my opinion with all this power of money due to natural sources of oil and the so easily changeable laws to suit the rich, as well as, the support of the West for economy and military, the construction in Dubai has come to a stop for many of the projects. So as we can see the foundations of Dubai were not set strong and they based their wealth on something which cannot last forever, oil. They are experiencing the effects of the global crises at first hand where 90% of the construction is stopped and gives the city of Dubai a ghost town look. Therefore in my opinion, Dubai is slowly becoming a glamorous hell.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

I think of Zaha

We like her or not she’s big, not only in her physical size but in what she does too.
In this case I’d say even if she was my enemy I’ll respect her because she believes and
has faith in what she does.

I believe in professionalism as a full package which includes a professional personality and attitude which she lacks. She has a reputation as a rude person that even a colleague of mine
left his job just after 20 minutes from start!!! She even calls her first partner Patrick Shumaker “potato” (Potato, potato can you come to my office?) She says when the speakers are on and literary everybody can hear her. This for me wouldn’t make a pleasant work environment or a boss to work for.

It was with Koolhaas that she met the engineer Peter Rice who gave her support and encouragement early on, at a time when her work seemed difficult to build.
Possibly this is a point for all of us to pay attention as architectural students, as always been said: “you must be in a right time and right place” just like Albert Speer charming Hitler or perhaps we all should only be an AA graduate to be accepted in a global architectural family!?

In 2008, she ranked 69th on the “Forbes” list of "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women”

A winner of many international competitions, theoretically influential and groundbreaking,
Who a number of her winning designs were initially never built. A long term paper architect who was famous for “building nothing” possibly because of her work being as difficult to built as her personality, yet mysteriously pleasant and respectful.